In sharing, we are blessed twice.
Charitable giving allows you to pass along
to others the opportunities that
enriched your own life.
Pass the magic forward . . .
Become an enrichment supporter and help focus the mind and hearts of young children on the fundamentals of good manners, great children’s literature, characteristics of noble character, and nature-inspired leadership. Together we can build a kinder, gentler, and more beautiful world.
Ways to Give
Program Enrichment Sponsor
A one-time or monthly recurring tax-deductible donation. Sponsor a program, a group of students for an instructional dinner, the opportunity to attend a cultural event, or an element such as favors, flowers, or prizes. Become a Sustaining Member of the Foundation by giving a monthly recurring gift of $12.
Peer-to-Peer Team Sponsor
Peer-to-Peer Team Sponsors raise money to further the mission of the Foundation in a personal and meaningful way. Graduates and others associated with the Foundation raise funds for a program or cause by creating a donation page sent out through social media to their sphere of influence. The funds are collected and disbursed by the Foundation accordingly.
Sponsor a Student
Sponsor a child into the program with a monthly or one-time donation. These are challenging times and many young families are struggling to make ends meet. https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/cu/8t1qss4Your donation will go toward membership fees and the cost of a personalized memory book and enable a child to participate.
Volunteer to help
There are many ways to contribute.
Students in Season II and III earn community service hours and increase their social skills at the same time working as Senior Assistants.